TCARE for Caregivers

Are you a caregiver? Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed?
Caring for a loved one or family member takes patience and grace. This can be a taxing, and often an overwhelming experience. Remember – the best way to provide care for another is to first love and care for yourself. Like the airlines say, “place your oxygen mask on first – then help others.” TCARE, AgeGuide and our dedicated Senior Services staff are ready to help you do just that.
There is support to help you take a break, manage your stress level and recharge. After all – caregivers need care, too!
Click your county’s link below to take a quick and easy caregiver self-assessment questionnaire. The questionnaire uses the results to determine what kind of help the caregiver needs and creates a customized plan to reduce caregiver stress and burnout. Results from the self-assessment will be sent to a TCARE Specialist who will reach out to you for further discussion. Take the self-assessment today!
Contact Senior Services Associates with any questions you may have regarding the TCARE Program – we’re here for you!